About Richard Scarry’s The Party Pig
This 1954 Little Golden Book is back in print for Richard Scarry’s 100th birthday in 2019!
This sweet story about a kindly little pig who gives away all the food that has been set aside for his birthday party—and about his friends who make it up to him with the best party ever. Originally published in 1954 and one of Scarry’s early projects for Golden Books. This fun read-aloud with adorable animal characters is sure to become a new family favorite!
Oorspronkelijk verschenen als nr 33 in de serie"Gouden Boekjes" | Speciale feestuitgave met 14 extra pagina's | Formaat: 378 x 299 x 10 mm | Eerste druk 2014
Auteur: Kathryn Jackson, Byron Jackson | Illustrator: Richard Scarry | Bewerkt door: Han G. Hoekstra
Het Feestvarken, een giga gouden boekje | Hardcover | Rubinstein b.v.
ISBN: 9789047617136 | € 13.99